Medium Format, E6 Process, Type 120 Slide Film
Everything started before a 20+ years, when I fallen in love with photography, after a French movie for someone photographer life. That's was a point in world perception change, and beginning steps in long way of perfection achievements.
education at the New Bulgarian University, majoring in Advertising and Art Photography, where I will never forget the entire teaching team, which had a huge impact on my aesthetic and technical development subsequently. But especially useful for my current activity is the study of Scientific Photography, led by the unforgettable Yanka Kyurkchieva.
Years later, I started like representative for the brand of Profoto in Bulgaria, until that moment few had heard this name here, but we all know what this brand is for photography in general. Was followed by a launch of work with my colleagues from Phase One, and other leading photography BRANDS.
Nencho Balkanski

for these
who need
Very best
We use leading camera, lighting and accessories brands, Bolkansky team have knowledge how to use the equipment which provide the best quality.
The quality of the source material is a fundamental requirement, and it is preserved regardless of the number of pixels for a web or print campaigns. Good Lighting is good lighting, Best Camera Lences and Medium Format sensor size are a constant magnitude, there have no change in physical laws.
we Do it
Оur experience includes activities in the field of organization and execution of projects for capturing of key visions for fashion, product, portrait and automotive campaigns

Car Project Shooting, Bessa Valley Winery
Studio&table top

Kaloyan Bozhilov - Bulgarian Cinematographer; Aga Movie

Porsche Bulgaria

Unretouched Piece of Steel

William Baldwin @ Cinelibri International Book-to-Film Festival 2023
some of our Work
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